Sneak Peak of the time tracking capabilities of Rescue Time
I posted on Facebook about a new productivity tool that I have been using to track my time. I first need to give a shout-out to April Holle at Made Better Studios for this tidbit of information. She shared this golden nugget with me (as well as many others over the past year). Thanks again April, for sharing this awesome tool! There seemed to be quite a bit of interest on the topic, so I decided to blog about it. Here is the first sneak peek of my journey into using Rescue Time.
The first chart below shows my productivity throughout this past week. I am able to adjust the settings in Rescue time so that it knows what websites to consider Very Productive, Productive, Neutral, Distracting, or Very Distracting.
This graph above shows how efficient I was with my time in comparison to all of the other “Rescue Timers” out there. (Yes, I am an over achiever)
This tells me when I am most efficient, what hours of the day as well as what days of the week.
There is so much more to this tool that I will blog about at a later time. Stay tuned for more information. And if you want to check it out, go give them a look at